With E-Ticketing, You Can Create Accurate, Easy to Read Load Tickets in About 16 Seconds!
Our Ticket Tracking Software Tracks Your Load from Beginning to End
Ticket Watch™ simplifies the tracking and matching of load tickets using our revolutionary electronic ticket tracking software. Utilizing a handheld scanner and a barcode attached to the vehicle, tickets are computer generated and contain accurate information about each driver and each load that is hauled and dumped. Drivers' signatures are captured on the keypad for immediate retrieval in your Ticket Watch™ account. Tickets can also be created on-site and printed making our system a complete ticket management system.
With Ticket Watch™ on the Job, You Can Effectively:
- Increase productivity
- Eliminate human error
- Improve inventory control
- Reduce the cost of labor
- Increase date integrity/reliability
- Provide quality assurance
- Enable work-in-progress tracking
- Operate in harsh environments
- Enable process control
If you're looking for a ticketing solution to streamline process, our innovative ticket tracking system tracks your load, reduces error and eliminates the data entry of load tickets. No more lost tickets or duplicates. Reports can be generated with ease and the touch of a button. This reduces administrative costs and overhead. Accountability is maximized as tickets are reconciled from the loading site to the dumping site automatically. This process virtually eliminates fraud and increases accountability for each load tracked. This is the nation's ideal disaster ticket software.

Our Electronic Load Ticketing Solution is Easy to Use! Just Point, Scan, Sign, and Print.
Here's how our load ticket management system works: Prior to the start of a new project, Ticket Watch™ consultants, your administrative staff, or field personnel enters the pertinent job information into the Ticket Watch™ system through your Ticket Watch™ account. At that time, barcodes are created, assigned, and attached to the hauling vehicles.
The vehicle enters the loading site and the barcode is scanned. The information is automatically entered into the system and verified via signatures by both the loading site agent and the driver. Any other information can be added to this load by typing comments into the remarks section. This information is available to be transmitted to the dumping site, field office or administrative office. The newly generated ticket can be printed on-site, given to the driver and saved into the Ticket Watch™ system in about 16 seconds. Upon arrival at the dumping site, the driver presents the Ticket Watch™ ticket, which is scanned and verified by the dumping agent and the driver. This load is time and date stamped and the tracking of this load is now complete. The driver then dumps the load. This information is again saved and transmitted to your Ticket Watch™ account. Any additional remarks pertinent to the dumping site can be added at this time.
After uploading the data from the handheld scanner, all reports can be generated beginning with the initial scan. The information is immediately available on your Ticket Watch™ account.
Ticket Watch™ ticket tracking software integrates with accounting software, like QuickBooks™, making billing your customer is as easy as pushing a button.

Request a Free Demonstration of the Ticket Watch™ System
If you’re looking for a solution to your load ticketing tracking problem, give us a call! We travel all over the country demonstrating just how easy it is to keep track of your loads and bill your customers when you introduce the Ticket Watch™ electronic ticketing system into your operations. We’ll provide a live demonstration of the entire process from setting up your account to creating a barcode, to generating the reports.